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Showing posts from November, 2017

Valid final model

The variables will each be tested for individual significance and the overall strength of the model will also be measured. After the initial regression the model will be tested for problems such as autocorrelation, multicollinearity and misspecification bias. The model shall also be tested in the long run. As mentioned before, if there is sufficient time the ca variable will be looked at.

A business-to-consumer organisation

Personalisation is also considered as quite popular amongst users. For example, a choice stream survey found out that 81% of Internet users are interested in receiving personalised content. This suggests that personalisation or customised content is generally a good thing amongst consumers (Zid, 2004). However, customisation/personalisation cannot always be a good thing for consumers. Sometimes it is best to separate the two terms. For example, a recent survey suggests that online customers find that visitors to various e-commerce sites would rather customise a site themselves than have it automatically personalised for them (Nunes, 2001). This suggests that consumers cannot enjoy the full benefits of personalisation. Moreover, it highlights that personalised content not always works.